Some days… It seems like you get up with this really long list of things to do.
Before your feet ever even his the floor, you are reciting the days events to your self.
My list to day seamed to be never ending. I got up let the pups out gave them breakfast, let them out again.. got dressed did some editing, did some studio work. Went to Newbern, target, the mall, new river pottery, , Wal-Mart to get groceries.. Then I came home once home, I moved the living room around fed the pups, fed myself. Worked on the studios website, edited more photos.. Now bloging and snuggling with the pups.. Did I mention that I don’t ever use caffeine, but today I could not help my self pumpkin any thing pumpkin is my weakness.. So I drank a tall pumpkin spice and needless to say I might never sleep again.. Plus side I was able to get tons of stuff done. Down side I might be awake for days….. Decaf for me from now on…