
Day 33

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Major head ache/ neck spasms today…..It really sucks….Plus I did not sleep last night. Just an all out bad, miss my baby so much it literally hurts, cry… Bad Day! Sometimes you just can’t be positive, you just can’t help but miss them, no matter what you do….Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

Ipod song:



  1. Oh bummer:( I know how you feel, but I know saying that won't make you feel better. Only he can. I let myself sulk on days I want to and try to remember that tomorrow is a new day and one day closer to your love:)

  2. I mean...I'm not one day closer to your love, YOU are. Inappropriate as always:)

  3. WE LOVE YOU TAB! And we love what you sacrifice for our country.


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