
Day 15:

Saturday, January 29, 2011

I was telling my assistant today about a little black bear that lives, in the woods across the street from my house. He is so very cute. Any way they story moved on to our favorite animals. If you know me then you know my most favorite animal is a pit bull puppy, but did you know that my second favorite animal in the whole wide world is a fruit bat? How can you not love that sweet face??

Kind of reminds me of a pit bull with wings, maybe that’s way I love them so. Honey is very good at finding me stuffed animal fruit bats. I love him!! My next favorite animal is a skunk… Yeah I know but how cute are they??? Did you know that you can have a pet skunk, well you can and they use the letter box… How cute is that?

When we have a baby it will have this costume for sure!

 My next favorite animal the sea turtle… then stingrays….Oh I have so many..
Honey and I saw a sea turtle lay her eggs on the beach, the night of our first date. I knew then that we were ment to be and that I would love him forever!

Did I ever tell you that I LOVE, LOVE, Love animals?? Honeys favorite animals are monkeys, but not just any monkey these little guys…

They are pretty cute!
What’s your favorite animal?

Random IPod song for the night:

RamoneJoey WhatAWonderfulWorld FanVideo
Uploaded by gimaimg. - Music videos, artist interviews, concerts and more.

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